Fade: Play + Poetry Evening

If I say to you what is a human right…

An evening to coincide with the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

Tuesday 26 June 7.00 – 8.30 PM

Venue: 3 Minute Theatre, Afflecks Arcade, Oldham Street, Manchester M1 1JG
Admission £3 (including free glass of wine)

The Bay

A short play inspired by survivors of torture and the political expediencies of Guantanamo Bay


RAPAR members on their experiences of trafficking, detention and mistreatment

Poetry and performance by

Ali Gadema
Yvonne McCalla
Jackie Hagan
Céilidh Kavanagh
+ Open Mic

To book a space on the open mic email martin@cultureword.org.uk

For more information contact Commonword : admin@cultureword.org.uk 0161 832 3777

Love v Lust – The Tour

We’ll be publishing photos from all future events, so we thought we’d start off with a few photos from events in the last three or four years, to give you a flavour of what we do.

As a lot of our events are indoors in difficult conditions for photography (we tend not to use flash as it can be somewhat off putting for performers) we usually end up with a mixture of unphotoshopped and photoshopped images. Spot the difference!

These images are from the Love Versus Lust tour in 2007, with two teams of poets, one lust and one love, battling it out to win the audience vote. Love generally won, but then it usually does. So we’re told, anyway.

If you want to know a bit more about how the shows went there’s reviews and feedback on the Write Out Loud site here.