Venue: Chapter One Bookshop
Time: 16.00 – 17.15
In 2005, the Free Verse reported that less than 1% of poetry published by major presses in the UK was by Black and Asian poets. That 1% has since moved to 8% (in 2014). What caused this positive shift and what type of poets are the 7% who have grown from the 1%. 8% is still doesn’t represent the UK population which is currently 14%. Why is this? Who are the gatekeepers, what power do they wield and what is the effect of that execution of power on BAME poets and poetry.
Siana Bangura is a writer, blogger, freelance journalist, poet, performer, and public speaker
Nii Ayikwei Parkes is a writer, editor and socio-cultural commentator
Dr Sandeep Parmar is a poet, critic, editor and Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Liverpool
Yomi Sode is a writer/poet and was once long-listed as one of MTV’s Brand New Artist