Submissions Call Out – Indivisible Anthology

Commonword is excited to announce that submissions are now open for Indivisible, an anthology of poetry, short fiction and monologues.

Indivisible will be an anthology of work by writers who have an invisible disability. The anthology will be made up of poetry, monologues (no longer than 500 words) and flash fiction (no longer than 500 words). Entries can be on any theme, though writers are free to write about disability should they wish to. The book will include work from 30 writers from the North and the Midlands.

The deadline for submissions is 5pm on Friday 31st May 2019.


What do we mean by ‘invisible disabilities’?

Invisible disabilities are disabilities that are not immediately apparent. These include (but are not limited to): long term mental health issues, autism and other neurodivergent conditions, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, deafness, visual difficulties, Speech, Language & Communication needs (including severe dyslexia) and sleep disorders.

Does my writing need to focus on disability?

The writing you submit does not have to focus on disability, although it is absolutely fine if it does. The purpose of this anthology is to provide a platform for the voices of writers who have invisible disabilities.

Can I still apply if I also have a physical disability?

Yes, of course.


Submission Guidelines

  • You can submit if you self-identify as having an invisible disability.
  • We are accepting submissions from writers based in the North of England and the Midlands.
  • Writers who are selected will receive two complementary copies of the book.
  • You can submit up to two pieces of work to two different categories e.g. send us two poems and two monologues.
  • Please submit the pieces as Word or .rtf documents titled clearly with [your name and title of submission]. If you need to submit your work in another format, please email to let us know.
  • Alongside your submission, please also send us a short biography of up to 150 words and a completed Diversity Monitoring Form.
  • We are accepting submissions by email to If you need to send your submission by post, please email us in advance to let us know. We must receive postal submissions before the deadline.
  • The deadline for submissions to Indivisible is 5pm on Friday 31st May 2019.


Any queries, please email or call 0161 832 3777.