Young Enigma’s launch of Spoke: New Queer Voices was done in style. At the Manchester Central Library on the 26th of February, the writers from our LGBT+ group performed their work from the anthology

Culminating in Young Enigma’s exciting spoken word/cabaret performance ‘A Royal Wedding’ (featuring Manchester queens Anna Phylactic and Cheddar Gawjus and originally commissioned by Manchester Pride), this cultural event was an evening where glamour and literature, word and performance collided.

Writers performing on the night:
Adam Lowe
Bryony Bates
Jane Bradley
Blythe Cooper
Tara Ali Din
Jamal Gerald
Benjamin William Crisafulli
Jude Orlando Enjolras
Rei Haberberg
Keith Jarrett
Rebecca Swarray
SPOKE: New Queer Voices is an anthology of writing from young and emerging LGBT writers, published by Manchester-based press Dog Horn Publishing, and edited by LGBT History Month Poet Laureate Adam Lowe. Hosted by the Archives+ Young Writer in Residence Bryony Bates, in association with Young Enigma, this event by Archives+ will showcase the very best new LGBT writers from Manchester, with a few old(er) friends in a purely supporting role.

You can buy from the book here: