National Black and Asian Writers Conference 2023

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Join us on Saturday 18th November at Hack Oldham for a buzzing day of panels, stalls, performances, conversations, plus a Draft Night. Cultureword’s Black and Asian Writers conference provides a unique opportunity for writers of any age and background to network and learn about the latest trends in Global Majority literature.

Programme for the Day:

10am: Registration

10.30am-11.45am Roundtable Discussion: How does Oldham catapult its writers to the Global Stage?

12.15-1.30pm How to… Grow the Global Majority LGBTQ+ creative community in Oldham & the North?

1.30pm-2.15pm Lunch + Book Launch of Patterflash by Adam Lowe

2.15pm-3.30pm: How to…Put the Green into the Black and Brown

4-5.15pm: How to Get Published

6.30pm-8.30pm: Draft Night with Yvonne Battle-Felton

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Tickets are £10 for individuals, £20.00 for corporate