Setting up writing groups
We are primarily a writing development agency rather than a publisher. We give advice and information on all aspects of writing to groups and individuals. We can help groups to set up their own workshop, find them workshop facilitators, help them produce their own publications, and help them organise projects such as writing residencies.
Our emphasis is on helping writers improve their work and in this way to increase the likelihood that they can get a publishing deal. We offer them workshops and courses among other resources, to improve their technique.
Publishing with Commonword
When we do publish, we publish mostly anthologies of new writers from the Northwest of England. We advertise widely for submissions for these.
Self publishing
We receive many requests every year from individuals seeking to self-publish. Writers can of course choose to go down the self publication route and many do choose this option. Obviously, there are limitations on our time and resources when it comes to helping people self publish. So we cannot ‘project manage’ the self publishing projects of individuals. Instead, we can show them where they might find information that might be useful for their self publishing project. We cannot recommend or endorse specific printers, proof readers, editors or copy editors.